Follow Up Snow Update

Lot # 6 occupants will notice that we have taken over a few spots with mini mountains in place of your vehicle. Unfortunately, we had no choice do to the huge volume of snow. We will free up your spots  tomorrow morning. If you need a temporary spot for tonight, please contact security and they will provide you with a spot in the senior center on west 12th street. Security will provide you with a temporary pass. We apologize for any further inconveniences, but it was necessary in an attempt to speed up the plowing and minimize productivity.

Lot # 4 occupants will notice that we have cleared 98% of your lot. The final 2% will be cleared at 7am tomorrow morning.

Lot # 2 occupants will notice that we have plowed a sufficient amount of snow for you to have the ability to exit the lot and return. A final plow will follow in the morning.

Lot # 1 occupants, I wish we had a better ratio to provide, but 25 vehicles in the rear of the lot facing the public park are still snowed in. The entire lot should be free of snow by noon time.

One final note, it was estimated that this snow removal project will take three days to conquer. It is with great pleasure to announce that we will be able to free Luna Park from this ordeal by tomorrow noon time.

I would like to pay special thanks to our maintenance staff and Technical Construction for giving 150% and going non-stop since 7am this morning until 9pm tonight. These wonderful gentlemen were willing to complete the task at hand, but fatigue was setting in and it was evident with fatigue potential injuries can follow.

Kudos gentlemen kudos!

We will resume 7am tomorrow morning. Thank you for your cooperation in a situation that was unforseen and under estimated.

Snow Update

I’m told parking lots #3, #5, #6, and 90% of our walkways have been cleared. Lots #1, #2, #4 will hopefully all be cleared tonight. All maintenance personnel are being held late so they can assist with this as well as ongoing garbage removal.

Snow Update

The city obviously didn’t do a good job cleaning the roads around us (and elsewhere) so the snow removal service we’ve used in the past wasn’t able to reach us. All we have on-hand are some shovels and the tractor we use to pull garbage bins. We’ve been using it but it doesn’t have the power or capability of a mini-bulldozer normally used for this work. We also found ourselves short on manpower as our own personnel couldn’t make it to work or are on vacation for the holidays. We’ve made an arrangement with TCS — the contractor doing the facade replacement — to do snow removal for us. If all goes as planned, tomorrow early morning they will have 6 mini-bulldozers on-site to clear our paths and lots. By now our terraces should’ve all been salted to provide a relatively safe path between wings and elevator.

If you have kids and aren’t going to work, you should take them out to play in the snow. We can open the picnic area so they’re in a safe space while they frolic.

If you use mass transit, be sure to check the MTA site.

I’ll post more info as I get it. Be constructive in the comments or you will be mocked mercilessly. Remain calm…all is well:

Snow Cleaning

I don’t have all the official info for you now but I’m told that, since the city hasn’t been able to clear the streets, we can’t get real crews with resources in to clear our own property. One idea was to try and round up some younger residents and pay them to help shovel but it’s a huge liability for us if money’s involved. With that said, if you’re of sound body (sound mind being optional), own a shovel, and aren’t at work today, I’d suggest going out there and trying to clear paths on the terraces between wings and elevator as well as paths to the sidewalks and toward the train station so our frailer residents can get around better. Don’t bother trying to dig out your cars because it’s obvious the city can’t handle vehicles on the road right now.

Gym Update

We have reached our first milestone. As of today, we have 100 members in such a short amount of time. The response has been wonderful to see. If you would like a private tour, please contact the management office and we will make arrangements for viewing.

We would like to remind all gym members that they need to keep the ID badge around their neck using the RED lanyard that was provided for security to identify gym users without disturbing your exercise routine.

Window Update

Full sample installation is set for first week of February. Assuming all testing and approvals are prompt, they will begin installing building #5’s windows by the second or third week of February. I don’t know how long it’ll take to finish the entire building.