Building 3 Window Instalation and upcoming updates

Many shareholders have asked me to give an update on a possible window installation date and why it has been on hold for two months. Sadly to say it is due to lengthy HPD payment processing. The project is financed through HPD grant and payments are processed and paid by HPD. Lately they had setbacks paying bills on time due to their internal procedures. We do understand the frustration of many residents, but we do not have control over HPD payment processing. However, the board is happy to inform that, to speed up the process, an agreement has been reached with HPD to pay “Ecker Windows” from our reserve funds and later in the month the account will be reimbursed by HPD payment. Going forward, to minimize such delays we can do this again if there is a need for it. Few weeks ago “Ecker Windows” has placed an order to make the windows. We were told that it would take 8-10 weeks to complete the order by the Champion who is our window manufacturer. Based on that, the current estimation time for window installation would be the second week of January 2014. Knowing our residents frustration with window installation process the board and our management team will be in constant contact with the manufacturer and installer to speed the process as promptly as possible.

Also, just as a heads up. I will be updating this site soon with missing minutes. Sometime in December I will have some of updates on our current Projects.

Updates will include:

1) Security Cameras

2) Removing Sidewalk violation

3) Fixing street lights

4) Construction and brick replacement

5) Installing Building signs

and more

Friday 11/5: Gym Open House

We will be holding an OPEN HOUSE for our new GYM in building #2 on Friday November 5th from 5-9 pm. All residents who would like to check out our new GYM facility are encouraged to come. You can join right on the spot. Rules and Regulations will be provided at the Open House or can be picked up in the Management Office.

Light refreshments will be served.

Where: Building #2
What: Gym open house
When: Friday, November 5th from 5pm – 9pm

For more information, please view:

Luna Park’s Board of Directors & Management

Creation of two new Committees: “Security” and “Alternative Revenue”

To All Shareholders:

The board has authorized the creation of two more committees, “Security” and “Alternative Revenue”; both to be co-chaired by Gennady Rotberg and Eugene Lyubronetsky. The Security committee will focus on making Luna Park safer while the Alternative Revenue committee will strive to find new ways for Luna Park to both earn and save money (leasing commercial space, repurposing empty spaces, “greening” efforts, etc). They will work as a team to assemble ideas, come up with options on how they can be implemented, and present them to the board for final approval.

Each committee will consist of up to 8 volunteers (excluding the directors.) Communication will be mostly via email and phone with occasional in-person meetings and an initial introduction of the committee members. We will try to have in-person meeting once a month if time allows.

If you’d like to volunteer and are willing to commit to serving for at least a year, please send an email to with a brief introduction of who you are and how you can help the committee. Make sure to use a descriptive subject line to keep it from being confused as spam. If you don’t have email, you can drop a letter in the shareholder box outside the management office with the same information along with your contact information.