Everyone has received the Annual Meeting Notice with nomination forms. Please keep in mind, all nomination forms are due back in the management office no later than Thursday, September 27th by 3p.m. We have a nomination box stationed in the waiting area for your use. Please place your nomination forms in the locked box and DO NOT hand it to management personnel. The box will ONLY be opened by Honest Ballot our election company.


Gym Equipment Upgrade

 The Board of Directors is pleased to announce that we have purchased two brand new treadmills for your use. The budget was tight, but the investment was much needed as the treadmills average four hours of use per day and the current used equipment has been taking a beating.

We currently have over 350 gym members, but we have plenty of room for more membership. Take advantage of this healthy amenity.

Attached link is the spec sheet. Please stay tuned as more upgrades are coming in the near future. 

