Building #4 Construction Update

To all residents of 2898 & 2900 West 8th Street, please take a moment of your time to read the link below as it pertains to the demolition of  the facade which will commence this Monday, May 2, 2011.


Fikret M Deljanin, General Manager @ Luna Park Housing Corp.

Building #2 Childs Play

All residents of building #2 who have children need to read the attached link below as it concerns the conduct of children using the building as a playground. Please take a moment to read.

Thank you,

Fikret M Deljanin

General Manager @ Luna Park Housing Corp.

West 12th Street Park Gate

As everyone maybe aware, the city park located on West 12th Street next to the train station had issues with the park not being closed at night due to the gate and fence being damaged and needed immediate repairs. Keith Murphy,our Board President has spent many hours trying to have the Parks Department repair the damaged gate with not much success. Finally Keith called “Help Me Howard” from channel 11 (WPIX). As a result of Keith’s perseverance  and “Help Me Howard” the Parks Department finally repaired the gate bringing a much-needed positive resolution to this quality of life issue. Please view the video of “Help Me Howard” investigation as seen on TV.

Parking Fee Increase


Date:  04/08/2011

From: Fikret M Deljanin, General Manager

Re:  Parking Fee Increase

To: All Shareholders


By now you’ve heard of the small parking fee increase but it wasn’t properly explained. $40 a month isn’t a lot to pay for parking but we didn’t increase it without a good reason. Our waiting list for parking has people on it who’ve waited 10 years; this is absurd. We’ve done the math and, with this increase and the income from new spots, we can afford to expand parking lots #3 and #5 with an additional 176 spaces.

Those of you who already have spots probably won’t care about the hundreds of people still waiting, but it’s the board’s job to address these problems and this is what it’ll take. Not only will there be 176 more spaces on our property, but those 176 cars won’t be competing for parking spots on the streets which will make it easier even for those still waiting.

In the long run this will also mean more revenue to offset rising costs.

Discussion Forum

Someone asked for a place to barter and initiate other topics so I’ve added a forum you can use. It can be reached by clicking the Discussion link top right. You’ll need to register a free account there but it’s pretty easy to use. I haven’t tested anything so if something doesn’t work, post a comment with details and I’ll take a look.

Elevator Update


Date:  04/01/2011

From: Fikret M Deljanin, General Manager

Re:  Elevator Issues Update

To: All Shareholders


As you all are aware, we have been experiencing issues with our elevators and this past December 2010 an analysis was performed in an effort to find the root of all the deficiencies. The major causes to our malfunctioning elevators are the elevator shafts being penetrated with water when it rains through the exterior side of the shaft walls and the bulkhead roof. As part of the façade restoration project, we will be replacing the elevator shaft exterior walls with a water barrier, insulation and stucco surface. The bulkhead roof will be replaced as well.

Once the board learned of this, they reacted with full force to have this remedied immediately. Technical Construction Services, Inc, our façade contractor has agreed to replace the entire elevator bulkhead roof immediately in an effort to curtail any further damages to our elevator equipment.

With great concern, the Board of Directors had a walk through with the owner of Al’An elevator, our service provider last week to have a better understanding on what will be needed to make our elevators efficient in service. The walk through was great for all the members in attendance as it allowed them to have a crash course on how elevators operate and the extent of our damages. Al’An elevator is in the process of providing price quotes for all the necessary repair work.

Unfortunately, the design and location of our elevator shafts are exposed to the elements, leaving us with constant repairs, but the façade restoration portion will greatly improve the battle against the change in weather along with the swirling wind around our Luna Park.

Please understand management and the Board of Directors have and continue to rectify the inconvenience brought upon you. We will keep you posted on any further details.

Thank you for your continued cooperation.